Outputs the Major Land Resource Area (MLRA) information at the given lat/lon coordinates:
name, mlrarsym, lrrsym, lrrnamehttps://developweather.covercrop-data.org/mlra?lat=39.032056&lon=-76.873972&polygon=true
Outputs MLRA information, along with its (multi)polygon:
name, mlrarsym, lrrsym, lrrname, polygon, polygonarrayhttps://developweather.covercrop-data.org/mlra?mlra=136
Outputs MLRA information for the given mlra code, including a list of all counties and states within the MLRA:
name, mlrarsym, lrrsym, lrrname, counties, states, state_codes, county_fips, state_fips
(This endpoint also accepts the &polygon=true parameter.)https://developweather.covercrop-data.org/county?lat=39.032056&lon=-76.873972
Outputs county information at the given lat/lon coordinates:
county, state, state_code, countyfips, statefips
(This endpoint also accepts the &polygon=true parameter.)https://developweather.covercrop-data.org/watershed?lat=39.032056&lon=-76.873972
Outputs watershed information at the given lat/lon coordinates:
huc12, name, huc10, huc10name, huc8, huc8name, huc6, huc6name, huc4, huc4name, huc2, huc2name, areaacres, areasqkm
There are additional columns, but I’m unsure of their purpose.
(This endpoint also accepts the &polygon=true parameter.)https://developweather.covercrop-data.org/watershed?huc=020700100804
Outputs watershed information for the given HUC.
Given a HUC12, it outputs a single record. For HUC2, HUC4, etc., it outputs all HUC12 records within their watersheds.
(This endpoint also accepts the &polygon=true parameter.)https://developweather.covercrop-data.org/countyspecies?county=clarke&state=georgia
Outputs species symbols for the given county and state.
If county is omitted, this effectively becomes a “statespecies” endpoint.https://developweather.covercrop-data.org/plants?symbol=ABAB,ABAC,ABAM5
Outputs PLANTS information for the given symbol(s):
symbol, full_scientific_name, is_synonym, rank, primary_vernacular, other_common_names, category, plant_group, family, family_symbol, kingdom, division, plant_order, genus, species, subspecies, variety, subvariety, forma, bauthor, tauthor, qauthor, duration1, duration2, duration3, growth1, growth2, growth3, growth4, ak_nativity, can_nativity, gl_nativity, hi_nativity, l48_nativity, na_nativity, navassa_island, pb_nativity, pr_nativity, spm_nativity, vi_nativity, pfa
Directus endpoints (obsolete)