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The list of target plant species for 2022 and 2023 includes the most common cover crop and cash crop species for the US. Moreover, the weed species list was defined by the participating partners to whom we asked to provide the names of the 4 most relevant weed species in their regions. The current list of species includes 44 weed species, 15 cover crop species and 3 cash crop species (Table 1). AnchorSpecies-listSpecies-listTable 1. Cover crop, cash crop and weed species included in the AgIR in 2023


Cover Crops


Cash Crops




Black Oats




Amaranthus spinosus


Brassica hirta




Acalypha ostryifolia






Urochloa platyphylla


Brassica juncea


Sida spinosa


Brassica napus


Amaranthus palmeri


Brassica rapa


Eleusine indica


Cereal Rye


Trianthema portulacastrum


Crimson Clover


Urochloa ramosa


Hairy Vetch


Euphorbia hyssopifolia




Amaranthus palmeri


Raphanus sativus


Convolvulus arvensis


Red Clover


Solanum elaeagnifolium




Amaranthus tuberculatus


Winter Pea


Ambrosia trifida


Winter Wheat


Cyperus esculentus


Xanthium strumarium


Cirsium arvense


Amaranthus retroflexus


Setaria viridis


Chenopodium album


Abutilon theophrasti


Chenopodium album


Ambrosia artemisiifolia


Digitaria spp.


Amaranthus hybridus/A. retroflexus


Panicum dichotomiflorum


Datura stramonium


Setaria pumila


Setaria faberi


Erigeron canadensis


Amaranthus palmeri


Senna obtusifolia


Xanthium strumarium


Digitaria sanguinalis


Eleusine indica


Echinochloa crus-galli


Cyperus esculentus


Amaranthus tuberculatus


Urochloa texana


Echinochloa colona


Kochia scoparia


Helianthus annuus


Parthenium hysterophorus
