Parameter | Description | Possible Values / Example |
general.project_name | The name of the main project. | String (e.g., |
general.sub_project_name | The name of the sub-project or task. | String (e.g., |
tasks | List of individual tasks to execute as part of the pipeline. | Example: |
synthesize | Configuration settings specific to the synthesize task. | |
synthesize.resize_factor | Resize factor for cutouts; controls cutout scaling during synthesis. | Example: |
synthesize.parallel | Enables or disables parallel processing for synthesis. |
synthesize.parallel_workers | Number of workers to use for parallel processing. | Integer (e.g., |
yolo_bbox_labels | Whether to generate YOLO-format bounding box labels. |
aws.s3_bucket | The name of the AWS S3 bucket where data is stored. | Example: |
mongodb.host | Host address of the MongoDB database. | Example: |
mongodb.port | Port number for MongoDB. | Example: |
mongodb.db | MongoDB database name. | Example: |
mongodb.collection | MongoDB collection name for cutouts. | Example: |
mongodb.auth_mechanism | MongoDB authentication mechanism and encryption method | Example: |
mongodb.auth_source | MongoDB database that the collection with user credentials | Example: |
mongodb.username | MongoDB username | Example: |
mongodb.password | MongoDB password | Example: |
Cutout Filters Configuration Table