Housing and registration for Commodity Classic exhibitors opens on Thursday next week. Emily will register both herself and Elizabeth and try to grab housing ASAP. (It goes fast). Watch for communications on that. Might need P-card info, for example.
USDA conference in mid-November. Elizabeth is planning to cover it. https://events.tti.tamu.edu/conference/2024-forum-on-ai-applications-to-usda-science/
Emily needs two tabletop banners – can she borrow your template/supplier? Elizabeth designed hers through Canva 11 X 17 banner, printed through Staples. Elizabeth will send a link.
Emily looking through weed science journals for monthly news assignments and will be in touch with some if she finds them for Elizabeth.
Comms hand-off-- Elizabeth & Kayla will decide during meeting with Sarah how slow or fast the transition of each resources will be.
Victoria requests that Elizabeth keep Anna Morrow in the loop on User Testing; she’ll be added to the 9 a.m. Tuesday meetings.
We lost Clair Claire Akin; a replacement Cora Bobo-Shisler is coming , but will have to play catch-up and may delay the western seeding rate calculator data for a year.
Social media this week: GROW Releases New Herbicide Resistance Resource for the Industry. Will repost as PSA a where possible (FB, on PSA accounts on FB, X, LinkedIn; will create a post in others, e.g., LinkedInfor Instagram.
New GROW/Take Action comms team member, Amy Sullivan, will start joining these meetings in late November.