To exit the screen, use CTRL+A D
3.1 Checking the success of the pipeline
If there is an indication the pipeline is finished running, we want to crosscheck the number of images within the original batch with the number of jpgs and pp3s created.
We can use both of these lines respectively:
Code Block | ||
| ||
ls /mnt/research-projects/r/raatwell/longterm_images3/field-batches/<batch>/developed-images/*.jpg | wc -l |
Code Block | ||
| ||
ls /mnt/research-projects/r/raatwell/longterm_images3/field-batches/<batch>/developed-images/*.pp3 | wc -l |
And compare to number of arws
Code Block | ||
| ||
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images/field-batches/<batch>/*.ARW | wc -l |
As long as the output number we get from each of these commands are equivalent, we know we have successfully applied the color profile to every image in the batch.
If the number of jps and pp3s are not equivalent to the original number of images, try running the pipeline again within the screen. Double check the name of the batch that was typed in, this is where errors are likely to happen. Also, be sure to be navigated to the Field folder. If we are within the Semifield folder, the pipeline will run successfully.
Common & Useful Commands
Available batches: