Images (fullsized) (what you preprocess)
Name | Definition | Naming Convention |
| Preprocessed full resolution images. Used in various stages of pipeline. Are not modified or altered. Output product of Preprocessing stage which includes raw image conversion, color card calibration, and other color corrections. |
| various metadata including camera, species, and localization information. Output of |
| Semantic labels output from |
| Instance labels output from |
Place the fullsized (semifield-developed-image) schema here as a drop down tab
Json file that hold information about the image that includes:
General information about time, location, and bbot version, and unique identifiers
EXIF image data
Camera info that has to do with the reconstruction process and the camera location and orientation in real-world space
Bbox annotation
Species label (“categories”)
Semantic masks - pixel-wise labels by species
Pixel values are the class id
Rgb values can be used to consistently remap class id pixel values for visualization purposes