Code Block |
cd ..
cd psa_images/semifield_tools/
screen -R <batch_name>
python3 copy_from_lockers_test.py <batch_name> |
Semifield batches can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to copy over, depending on the batch size. It is important to open a new screen for copying. Only to copy one or two batches at a time within their respective screens to avoid disk space problems.
Exposure Compensation & Highlight Compression
These two go hand-in-hand. Exposure compensation should always be set to slightly more than Highlight Compression
Has a similar effect to Exposure Compensation
Toggle keeping in mind the intensity of colors on the color checker.
3. Running the pipeline
** Don't run >3 batches in the pipeline at once. This applies to both Semifield and Field combined. **
Profiling can be done and batches can be prepared for the pipeline, but wait to run them until another batch finished.
After the color profile has been saved, send it through the pipeline. Be sure to be navigated to the Semifield folder and make a new screen, use uppercase r (-R). If returning to an already existing screen, use lowercase r (-r) with the appropriate screen name.
Code Block |
cd ..
cd psa_images/semifield_tools/
screen -R <batch_name>
python3 semifield_CLOUDY_pipeline_copy.py <batch_name> |
To exit the screen, use CTRL+A D