Table of Contents | ||
TODOs (updated 12/10/2024)
Flow chart of data transfer and processing for both Field and SemiF (Matthew Kutugata) could be a general flowchart placed in the main preprocessing page.
Courtney Belcher Courtney Belcher (Unlicensed) could give it a shot
Backlog Spreadsheet:
Lref gdrive file | ||
Downloading a batch
When downloading a Semifield batch, It copies over to the local user from the NFS Lockers.
Code Block |
cd ..
cd psa_images/semifield_tools/
screen -R <batch_name>
python3 <batch_name> |
Semifield batches can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour to copy over, depending on the batch size. It is important to open a new screen for copying. Only to copy one or two batches at a time within their respective screens to avoid disk space problems.
To exit the screen, use CTRL+A D
1.1 Checking if the batch was completely copied
It is important to check Check if the copied batch was brought to the local user entirely. We must know the # of images in the original batch. Use this command:
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-upload/<batch>/*.ARW | wc -l |
Check the # of images in the local directory after download has completed:
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-upload/<batch>/*.ARW | wc -l |
(Moving files from longterm storage to the local working directory, before you run the the pipeline).
*The output should be equal to the above command; should be 0 after running the pipeline
Use this command:
After running the pipeline, check if all the ARW files have converted to JPGs and have moved to the longterm “developed” storage. Use this command:
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/<batch>/images/*.jpg | wc -l |
Example: MD_2024-07-02
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l |
output: 560
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l |
output (before running the pipeline): 560
output (after running the pipeline): 0
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/MD_2024-07-02/images/*.jpg | wc -l |
output (after running the pipeline): 560
Trouble shooting:
If developed jpgs are not in the longterm storage, check to see if they’re still in the local temp_data outputs folder:
Check for jpgs:
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-outputs/MD_2024-07-26/images/*.jpg | wc -l |
check for same number of .pp3 files (how you know they’ve been developed):
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-outputs/MD_2024-07-26/images/*.pp3 | wc -l |
If they’re both present and have the same number, we know they’ve been successfully preprpocessed, but may not have been successfully move to the longterm locker storage location.
Here is an example of checking if batches were copied
2. Color Profiling in RawTherapee
RawTherapee will launch in an a separate window and open opens to the most recent profile that has been recently worked on profile. Select the appropriate batch and allow it to load. Scroll through and make a mental note if some images are out of the ordinary (i.e. too bright, too dark, out of focus, Amiga in the frame, etc.).
When creating a color profile
Our goal when creating a color profile , the goal is to have every image look similarly to the rest of the batch. When RawTherapee launches, it will bring us to the last batch we worked on by default. Be sure to navigate to the intended batch. Note when there is more than one folder within the batch. We must adjust every image in each folder before sending the batch into the pipeline.It is good practice to scan through all images to get an idea of what they are looking like, if there are any outliers, or anything to make note of.
1 Look for a Color Checker
We want to use Using an image with a color checker, if one is available within the batch. Choose the , choose the most average looking picture (lighting and color-wise). It is preferred to select an average image with both a color checker and biomass. If there is no biomass present, choose an average image with a color checker.
*In Semifield applications, a smaller Color Checker lanyard is typically used. The Field Color Checker might be used instead, but the smaller one is preferred for this application. Either is acceptable.
2 Bring in a Recent profile & Color Picker
To bring in a recent profile , find the folder icon towards for the location being worked on. At the top right of the screenscree, located to the left of the save buttonlocate the folder icon. This will open a window containing a list of saved profiles within the local user. Choose the most recent date in relation to the image being worked on.
Once a the previous profile is loaded in and applied, use the color picker tool. The Color Picker tool is found on the tool bar above the working image or use the White Balance tab on the panel to the right. Choose “Pick”.
Only one square on the Color Checker is used for in this application. Referring to the image above, the gray The gray square residing two squares above the black is the color to use. Use this gray for every profile. Choose the hand icon to return to normal cursor mode.
3 Adjust exposure & saturation
Now, navigate into the Exposure tab. This is the only tab used in preprocessing, aside from the tab to access the Color Picker. There are only a few helpful settings to toggle here.
Exposure Compensation & Highlight Compression
These two go hand-in-hand. Exposure compensation should always be set to slightly more than Highlight Compression
Has a similar effect to Exposure Compensation
Toggle keeping in mind the intensity of colors on the color checker.
3. Running the pipeline
** Do not run >3 batches in the pipeline at once. **
Profiling can be done and batches can be prepared for the pipeline, but wait to run them until another batch finished.
After the color profile has been saved, send it through the pipeline. Be sure to be navigated to the Semifield folder and make a new screen, use uppercase r (-R). If returning to an already existing screen, use lowercase r (-r) with the appropriate screen name.
Code Block |
cd ..
cd psa_images/semifield_tools/
screen -R <batch_name>
python3 <batch_name> |
To exit the screen, use CTRL+A D
If the # of JPGs and PP3s are not equivalent to the original # of images, try running the pipeline again within the same screen. Double check the name of the batch that was typed in, this is where errors are likely to happen. Also, be sure to be navigated to the Semifield folder. If navigated to the Field folder, the pipeline will not be successful.
4. Update Backlog Spreadsheet
Change the progress column to the appropriate term to indicate where that batch is in the process. Make any notes/check box when done, if applicable.
When entire batch is fully completed, the row can be hidden by right clicking on the row #, then click hide.
4. Blob Analyzer (????)
4.1 Installing conda (miniconda)
Use these commands below from the command line in the SUNNY server:
Code Block |
mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/
bash ~/miniconda3/ -b -u -p ~/miniconda3
rm ~/miniconda3/
~/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash |
Close the remote connection, then SSH back in
4.2 Setting up a conda environment
Still in the command line inside of SUNNY:
5. Troubleshooting
If developed jpgs are not in the longterm storage, check to see if they’re still in the local temp_data outputs folder:
Check for jpgs:
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-outputs/MD_2024-07-26/images/*.jpg | wc -l |
check for same number of .pp3 files (how you know they’ve been developed):
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/analyze_blobs pip install -r requirements.txt |
4.3 Running the code
Your conda environment must be activated to run the code.
Run these in the command line:
Code Block |
conda activate <your env name>
cd /home/psa_images/analyze_blobs
python |
Creates 2 time stamped files in the “results” folder in the main project directory.
A text files that provides a general summary of missing batches
A csv file that can be viewed in excel or google docs
/temp_data/semifield-outputs/MD_2024-07-26/images/*.pp3 | wc -l |
If they’re both present and have the same number, we know they’ve been successfully preprpocessed, but may not have been successfully move to the longterm locker storage location.
If there is an “Assertion Error”, try going into RawTherapee, and create & save the profile again.
6. Common & Useful Commands
Available batches:
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-upload/ -lh |
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/<batch>/images/*.pp3 | wc -l |
Example: MD_2024-07-02
Step 1: number of raw images in storage locker:
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l |
Output: 560
Step 2: number of raw images brought to the local user from the storage locker:
Code Block |
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l |
Output (before running the pipeline): 560
Output (after running the pipeline): 0
The output after running the pipeline is 0 because images are cleared from the local user after being pulled into the pipeline. The batch name will remain in the local user but should not have any images left within it.
Step 3: number of new jpgs developed (made from raws):
Code Block |
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/MD_2024-07-02/images/*.jpg | wc -l |
output (after running the pipeline): 560