Versions Compared


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To bring in a recent profile , find the folder icon towards for the location being worked on. At the top right of the screenscree, located to the left of the save buttonlocate the folder icon. This will open a window containing a list of saved profiles within the local user. Choose the most recent date in relation to the image being worked on.

Once a the previous profile is loaded in and applied, use the color picker tool. The Color Picker tool is found on the tool bar above the working image or use the White Balance tab on the panel to the right. Choose “Pick”.


Only one square on the Color Checker is used for in this application. Referring to the image above, the gray The gray square residing two squares above the black is the color to use. Use this gray for every profile. Choose the hand icon to return to normal cursor mode.


Code Block
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/<batch>/images/*.pp3 | wc -l

Example: MD_2024-07-02

Step 1: number of raw images in storage locker:

Code Block
 ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l

outputOutput: 560

Step 2: number of raw images brought to the local user from the storage locker:

Code Block
ls /home/psa_images/temp_data/semifield-upload/MD_2024-07-02/*.ARW | wc -l

output Output (before running the pipeline): 560

output Output (after running the pipeline): 0

The output after running the pipeline is 0 because images are cleared from the local user after being pulled into the pipeline. The batch name will remain in the local user but should not have any images left within it.

Step 3: number of new jpgs developed (made from raws):

Code Block
ls /mnt/research-projects/s/screberg/longterm_images2/semifield-developed-images/MD_2024-07-02/images/*.jpg | wc -l

output (after running the pipeline): 560