BB V3.0 Potting Area Adjustment

Potting area adjustment for NC and MD to reduce capture time and improve reconstruction.

Instructions for Adjusting Pot Positions

  1. General Adjustment:

    • Move pots in both the X and Y axis directions closer to the starting (0,0) pot position (see figure). This will effectively shrink the potting area.

    • The boundaries (large spaces) separating different species groups will thus be moved closer to the (0,0) position in the y-axis direction.

  2. Distance Between Pots:

    • Adjust the distance between pots from the current 2 feet center to 1.5 feet on pot center (+/- 2 inches).

    • Ensuring all pots are moved uniformly to 1.5 foot centers will create consistent travel distances for the camera along the x-axis.

  3. Special Considerations for Large Plants:

    • For large plants, such as Browntop Millet in MD:

      • Move pots to 1.5 foot centers closer as instructed.

      • Thin out overlapping plants afterward by cleaning removing plants that are too large.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Consistent spacing is crucial to prevent the bot from traveling different distances in the X-axis direction.

  • Uniform adjustment across the entire potting area will enhance the efficiency and accuracy of image capture and reconstruction.
