Design Session Notes
Questions from the meeting
Do we actually want SQL style DB
Data will be very different between Midwest and north east etc.
May be better to use nosql
Midwest → list the ways cover crop can be terminated
Northeast termination has goals → ratings
Stars meaning differences
Precipitation gradient (needs info)
How often will changes be made to data shape for the selector
Once or twice a year
Anonymous concerns
We don’t want users to be able to easily export all the ratings for the selector
Maybe 4 tiers
local storage
DB tracking no data aggregation
DB tracking with aggregation
7th API for shared things
Species of cover crops
Location → zone
Zone → region or location → region
Weather (30 year averages ?)
Wrap frost date into our weather API or use an existing tool
Research Action Items
Research region appropriate standardization.
Research Flexible vs single postgresql
Research commonalities between APIs for DSTs
Research a shared DB for the above
Research UserDB
Research Inputs and outputs for the DSTs
Create spike tickets for research above
Post Research Action Items
Regularize regional data sets for selector as much as possible
Design doc for each API
Build each API
Find commonalities for shared DB
Create shared DB
Create user auth