Ingesting Other Councils Into Selector
MCCC Meeting Questions
Where is the data stored and how can we access it?
Differences between MCCC and NECCC?
Clarity about the national tool architecture
It won’t be a landing page that takes the user to each council's tool
It will be a composite of each regions tools with a unified look and feel but the data and ratings will remain true to each council
It will be a unified front end that combines the ratings and descriptions from each region's Council
It will handle any defined “zone” that the council creates (could be multiple per state)
The user will select the region that they’re in and then will be presented a list of “zones” to choose from
These zones could be USDA plant hardiness zones
These zones could be geographical zones defined by the council
These zones could each be a collection of counties
There will be a way to lookup region and/or zone by address or lat/long
Each region may have a subset of different categories and rating types that will show up once the user has selected a region (ex. one rating exists in the NE but not the Midwest)
Status of Each Councils Individual Tool
Each council's tools will still exist how they are and the councils will have full autonomy and control over them. The above notes only apply to the national tool