Timeline 07-01-23


We have until September 1st 2023 for the current grant cycle. This document will outline the minimum requirements to complete and outline the expected timelines.

Minimum requirements for September 1st

  1. Remembering basic user info across tools

    1. Field polygon

    2. Field name

    3. User name, email, Oauth stuff

    4. Require Oauth at first

    5. What else?

  2. Having MCCC individual tool migrated to azure, issues resolved, and deployment pipeline setup

  3. Having seedcalc v1 ready for MCCC/NECCC

  4. Having ncalc HLS geospatial recommendation completed

  5. Having Midwest national tool ready and approve

  6. VegSpec

    1. Having at least one state ready

    2. Having seeding rates implemented

  7. Have water DST completed → maybe, if we have time

  8. User history?

    1. Remembering inputs between sessions within each tool?

    2. Remembering outputs between sessions?

    3. Interoperability of output from one tool being an input to another tool?


  1. Migrate MCCC and resolve their issues → 07/14

  2. Have version 1 of national MCCC tool ready for feedback →

  3. Implement Auth0 and user history for inputs →


  1. Have version 1 of MCCC ready without SDK → 07/05/23

  2. Have version 1 of NECCC ready with SDK → 07/09/23

  3. Have version 1 of MCCC ready with SDK → 07/14/23

  4. Testing, feedback form MCCC/NECCC → end of July

  5. Implement Auth0 and user history for inputs → End of August


  1. Validate Resham’s model → python and R model are giving the same output

  2. Resolve issues with Resham’s model if they exist → need to meet with Resham, should be resolved first week of July

  3. Update front end to show map of biomass, nitrogen release at a point in time → July 17th

  4. Update front end to show existing graphs based on field average biomass → End of July

  5. Implement Auth0 and user history for inputs → End of July


  1. Complete version 1 → 07/07/23

  2. Implement Auth0 and user history for inputs → will depend on when intern starts


  1. Complete version 1 → TBD


  1. Requirements gathering, schema generation for user history → 07/10/23

  2. v1 first cut → 07/28/23