3. Mix Ratios

3. Mix Ratios

This page shows the initial calculation for the mix.

On the top of the page there are pie charts showing information of seeding rate, plants per sqft and seeds per sqft.

After that, for each crops there’ll be an accordion shows all the seed data and detailed calculation for that. On the tab with data chips, there'll be scrollers to adjust values, and adjusting these scrollers would change the result for the calculation.

The selected data unit would change the data unit across the whole app.


This is the page where the calculator initiates. And the options in redux is used to control the calculator. See calculation page for more calculations.


The scroller logic for % of single species seeding rate in NECCC is kind of complicated and different between Mix Ratios and Review Mix page since the pages are using different format.

Since the NECCC SDK calculations doesn’t take soil fertility modifier into account when given specific percentOfRate value, we need to multiply the soilFertilityModifier when updating percentOfRate value in redux (This also applies the logic in Review Mix).

In Mix Ratios page, the scroller locates in SeedingRateCard component, and it's like a general scroller for all councils, so it have to create specific logic for NECCC. And for the steps page we only need to get the specific value for percentOfRate(either from percentOfRate redux value or from sumGroupInMin which is default)

In Review Mix page, since there is a scroller for each calculations, we don't need to create any specific logic for NECCC, and we could just recreate the logic in Mix Ratios form page to use the updated rate value as the value for the scroller, and the function to update percentOfRate as the onCommit callback of the scroller.

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