1. Full-Sized Images Created
Preprocessed full resolution images. Used in various stages of pipeline. Are not modified or altered. Output product of Preprocessing stage which includes raw image conversion, color card calibration, and other color corrections.
<example of fullsized images here> Check google drive sharefolder for details or pull from preprocessing pipeline (reach out to me if you need help with that) or Matt can get some examples.
2. Masks
2.1 Full Sized Semantic Masks
Semantic labels output from segment-vegetation
. Color labels are located in Image and Cutout metadata jsons.
Semantic masks - pixel-wise labels by species
Pixel values are the class id
Rgb values can be used to consistently remap class id pixel values for visualization purposes
<examples of the fullsized masks here> examples of masks can be found here: Data Examples
3. Metadata
various metadata including camera, species, and localization information. Output of remap
stage, main input segmentation-vegetation
stage that provides bounding box and species information. Cutout ID
are added during segment-vegetation
3.1 Metadata schema
This schema defines the structure for metadata related to images captured in a semifield environment. Each image is accompanied by detailed metadata for exif information, camera settings, annotations, and categorical classifications.
<schema can go here as a drop down>
3.1 Properties Table
This README provides a detailed explanation of the metadata properties used in the Semifield-developed-image and Semifield-cutouts schemas. Each schema is designed to capture essential metadata for image processing, categorization, and analysis in agricultural and machine learning applications.
3.11 General Properties
Property | Type | Description |
| string | The targeted plant type and year during which images were captured (e.g., weeds_2022).More Info |
| string | The date and time when the image was captured format. |
| string | The version of the batch bot system used for processing the image. More Info |
| string | A unique identifier made up of a state abbreviation and date for the batch that contains the image (e.g., MD_2024-01-12). |
| string | A unique identifier made up of a state abbreviation and unix epoch timestamp for each image. |
| boolean | Indicates whether the quality of species labels, bboxes, and masks has been validated (true or false). |
| string | data version number. Include metadata and masks |
3.12 Exif Meta Properties
Property | Type | Description |
| integer | The width of the image in pixels. |
| integer | The height of the image in pixels. |
| string | The manufacturer of the camera used to capture the image. |
| string | The model of the camera used to capture the image. |
| string | The software used to process or edit the image. |
| string (date-time) | The date and time when the image was captured. |
| string | The exposure time used for capturing the image. |
| string | The F-number (aperture) used during image capture. |
| integer | The camera exposure program mode (e.g., manual, auto). |
| integer | The ISO speed rating set on the camera. |
| integer | The recommended exposure index for the image. |
| array of integers | The version of the EXIF metadata. |
| string | The brightness of the image. |
| string | The maximum aperture value of the camera lens. |
| integer | The type of light source (e.g., daylight, fluorescent). |
| integer | Indicates if the flash was used when capturing the image. |
| string | The focal length of the camera lens in millimeters. |
| integer | The exposure mode set on the camera (e.g., auto or manual). |
| integer | The white balance setting of the camera. |
| integer | The focal length equivalent to 35mm film. |
| integer | The contrast setting applied to the image. |
| integer | The saturation setting applied to the image. |
| integer | The sharpness setting applied to the image. |
| string | The model of the camera lens used for capture. |
| array of strings | Specifications for the camera lens (e.g., focal length range). |
| string or null | The serial number of the camera body. |
3.13 Camera Info Properties
Property | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates whether the image was aligned during reconstruction More Info. |
| array of numbers | Estimated XYZ position of the camera in 3D space. |
| number | The estimated pitch angle of the camera in degrees. |
| number | The estimated yaw angle of the camera in degrees. |
| number | The estimated roll angle of the camera in degrees. |
| number | The estimated width of a single pixel in the image. |
| number | The estimated height of a single pixel in the image. |
| number | The focal length of the camera in pixels. |
| object | Coefficients for the camera calibration model. |
| object | Field of view properties for the camera. |
3.14 Field of View
Property | Type | Description |
| number | |
| number | |
| array of numbers | |
| array of numbers | |
| array of numbers | |
| array of numbers | |
| number |
3.15 Annotations Properties
Property | Type | Description |
| boolean | Indicates if the annotation is the primary annotation. More info |
| boolean | Indicates if a cutout corresponding to the annotation exists. |
| array of 4 integers | The bounding box for the annotation in [x, y, width, height] format. xy is of the top left corner. |
| integer | The class identifier for the category of the object in the annotation. |
| string | A unique identifier derived from the image_id and appended with an integer denoting the cutout number. |
| array of strings | A list of cutouts that overlap with this one. |
| boolean | non target weed classifier prediction results |
| number | prediction confidence of model indicating whether it’s a non-target weed. From custom trained classifier |
3.16 Categories Properties
Property | Type | Description |
| integer | The identifier for the classification category. |
| string | The USDA symbol for the category. |
| string | The EPPO code for the category. |
| string | The group (monocot or dicot) to which the category belongs. |
| string | The class to which the category belongs. |
| string | The subclass to which the category belongs. |
| string | The order of the category. |
| string | The family of the category. |
| string | The genus of the category. |
| string | The species of the category. |
| string | The common name for the category. |
| string | The authority that classified the category. |
| string | The growth habit of the plant (e.g., vine, shrub). |
| string | The duration of the plant's life cycle (e.g., annual, perennial). |
| string | The general category to which the classification belongs. |
| string or null | List of species in a class with multiple species. Rarely used. |
| string or null | A link to more information about the category. |
| string or null | Any notes related to the category. |
| array of 3 integers | hex color id. |
| string |
3.2 Detailed Descriptions
3.21 Season Details
Description: The
field indicates the specific growing season plant type that was targeted and the year during which images were captured.Valid Values:
Usage Notes:
These are only general labels and are not strict. The majority of the plants are describved by the label, but in some cases other plant types may be mixed in. For example, Purple nutsedge could be in cover_crops_2023_2024 to take advantage of the longer growing season, despite it not being a cover crop.
This field is used to group images based on seasonal context, which is essential for comparative analysis across different time periods.
3.22 BBot Versions
Valid Values:
3.23 Species Labels
Valid Values:
3.24 Is primary
Valid Values:
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