Versions Compared


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  • How data gathered from the session can and will be used

  • What sensitive information will be collected

  • That participation is voluntary -- a chance to opt out or consent

    ”If you’re comfortable sharing, what is your first and last name and your professional role?”

    ”I want to communicate that your participation is voluntary. Do you agree to participate?”

Feature Demo: Sit down with the participant and demo the feature from start to finish. Explain the purpose and the function it serves with an example. Allow participants to interject and ask questions throughout the app. Pause frequently to prompt for questions and make sure to allow time for this interaction.

Ask the tester to answer the following questions and write down their responses.

Feature Specific Questions:


Does the current structure for finding a conservation practice make sense?



Is the lower selection (kinds of plants) clear for the choices can be made in this area?

General Questions:

  • Can you walk me through your initial impression of the Goal Selection Page? What stood out to you the most? What did do you like? What did do you dislike?

  • Imagine you're trying to Identify plants for Wetland Restoration project. Can you walk me through how you'd use this feature page to accomplish that?

  • How easy or difficult does it seem to use this featurepage? What could improve it?

  • Did Is there anything about this page that you find confusing or unclear?

  • Does the page communicate the resources and information needed to identify your goalsyou need to set a conservation goal?

  • What, if anything is missingor unclear? Are there any expectations which are not being met?What, if anything, could improve this feature, screen, or pageIs there anything you were expecting here that you don’t see?

Feature Specific Questions:

  1. Does the current structure for finding a conservation practice make sense?

  2. Any suggestions for making this selection more intuitive or easier to find a practice?

  3. Is the lower selection (kinds of plants) clear for the choices can be made in this area?

  4. Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Complete a survey as testers respond to log their feedback.


  • Explain what the tool is. “Thanks for joining! We brought you here to help us test a tool called Vegspec. It’s for helping NRCS agents reach their conservation goals. Using this tool, agents can search a database of plants based on the needs of their specific site, their selected practice, and planting purpose. In addition, it lets agents generate seed mixes and estimated costs for their projects.”

  • If helpful, give an example. For example, if you’re looking to replant after a forest fire, you could put in the criteria for your site and the types of plants you need, and have the information needed to select species that work, and to figure out seeding rates for these species.

  • Explain the purpose of testing. “We’ll test with a wider group in the coming weeks. Your feedback now can help us identify key issues to address before we share it more broadly. The goal is to get your honest impression and input on the tool. “


  • How data gathered from the session can and will be used

  • What sensitive information will be collected

  • That participation is voluntary -- a chance to opt out or consent

  • ”If you’re comfortable sharing, what is your first and last name and your professional role?”

    ”I want to communicate that your participation is voluntary. Do you agree to participate?”

Feature Demo: Sit down with the participant and demo the feature from start to finish. Explain the purpose and the function it serves with an example. Allow participants to interject and ask questions throughout the app. Pause frequently to prompt for questions and make sure to allow time for this interaction.

Ask the tester to answer the following questions and write down their responses.

Feature Specific Questions



Are the filters useful and are they intuitive?


Are there other filters you would find useful?


Do you understand the differences among Matched Plant, Potentially Suites Plants, and All Other Plants?

General Questions

  • Can you walk me through your initial impression of the Species Page? What stood out to you the most? What did do you like? What did do you dislike?

  • Imagine you're trying to find 3 plants that grow quickly in the shade, with yellow flowers. Can you walk me through how you'd use this feature to accomplish that?

  • How easy or difficult does it seem to use this feature? What could improve it?

  • Is there anything about this feature that you find confusing or unclear?

  • Did Does the page communicate the resources and information needed you need to explore species?

  • What, if anything is missing or unclear? Are there any expectations which are not being met?What, if anything, could improve this feature, screen, or page? Is there anything you were expecting here that you don’t see?

Feature Specific Questions

  1. Are the number of options and things to do on this page overwhelming?

  2. Are the filters useful and are they intuitive?

  3. Are there other filters you would find useful?

  4. Do you understand the differences among Matched Plant, Potentially Suites Plants, and All Other Plants?

  5. Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Complete a survey as testers respond to log their feedback.


  • How data gathered from the session can and will be used

  • What sensitive information will be collected

  • That participation is voluntary -- a chance to opt out or consent

  • ”If you’re comfortable sharing, what is your first and last name and your professional role?”

    ”I want to communicate that your participation is voluntary. Do you agree to participate?”

Feature Demo: Sit down with the participant and demo the feature from start to finish. Explain the purpose and the function it serves with an example. Allow participants to interject and ask questions throughout the app. Pause frequently to prompt for questions and make sure to allow time for this interaction.

Ask the tester to answer the following questions and write down their responses.

Feature Specific Questions

  • Is it clear what needs to be done on this page?

  • Is the ability to change seeding rates (slider bar) intuitive based on the seeding method or purpose?

  • Do you like the graphs?  Is more information needed to describe the graph section?

General Questions

  • Can you walk me through your initial impression of the Seed Mix pagePage? What do you like? What stood out to you the mostdo you dislike?

  • Imagine you're trying to purchase seeds for 3 acres. Can you walk me through how you'd use this feature to accomplish that?

  • How easy or difficult does it seem to use this page? What could improve it?

  • Is there anything about this feature page that you find confusing or unclear? What could be better communicated about the feature

  • Does the page communicate the information you need to prep your seed mix?

  • What, if anything , is missing from this feature to make sure it’s useful when you are determining your seed mix?How easy or difficult does it seem to use this feature? What could improve itis missing? Is there anything you were expecting here that you don’t see?

Feature Specific Questions

  • Is it clear what needs to be done on this page?

  • Is the ability to change seeding rates (slider bar) intuitive based on the seeding method or purpose?

  • Do you like the graphs?  Is more information needed to describe the graph section?

  • Is there anything else you would like us to know?

Complete a survey as testers respond to log their feedback.
