Species Information

Species Information

How species are being codified.

Found in SemiF-AnnotationPipeline/data/semifield-utils/species_inf.json


{ "species": { "AMPA": { "scientific_name": "Amaranthus palmeri", "common_name": "Palmer amaranth", "USDA_symbol": "AMPA", "EPPO": "AMAPA", "authority": "Watson", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "AMAR2": { "scientific_name": "Ambrosia artemisiifolia", "common_name": "Common ragweed", "USDA_symbol": "AMAR2", "EPPO": "AMBEL", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "SEOB4": { "scientific_name": "Senna obtusifolia", "common_name": "Sicklepod", "USDA_symbol": "SEOB4", "EPPO": "CASOB", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Irwin and Barneby", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "XAST": { "scientific_name": "Xanthium strumarium", "common_name": "Cocklebur", "USDA_symbol": "XAST", "EPPO": "XANST", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "DISA": { "scientific_name": "Digitaria sanguinalis", "common_name": "Large crabgrass", "USDA_symbol": "DISA", "EPPO": "DIGSA", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Scopoli", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "ELIN3": { "scientific_name": "Eleusine indica", "common_name": "Goosegrass", "USDA_symbol": "ELIN3", "EPPO": "ELEIN", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Gärtner", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "URPL2": { "scientific_name": "Urochloa platyphylla", "common_name": "Broadleaf signalgrass", "USDA_symbol": "URPL2", "EPPO": "BRAPP", "authority": "(Munro ex C. Wright) R.D. Webster", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "CYRO": { "scientific_name": "Cyperus rotundus", "common_name": "Purple nutsedge", "USDA_symbol": "CYRO", "EPPO": "CYPRO", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "AMTU": { "scientific_name": "Amaranthus tuberculatus", "common_name": "Waterhemp", "USDA_symbol": "AMTU", "EPPO": "AMATU", "authority": "(Moquin-Tandon) Sauer", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "ECCR": { "scientific_name": "Echinochloa crus-galli", "common_name": "Barnyardgrass", "USDA_symbol": "ECCR", "EPPO": "ECHCG", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Palisot de Beauvois ", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "ECCO2": { "scientific_name": "Echinochloa colona", "common_name": "Jungle rice", "USDA_symbol": "ECCO2", "EPPO": "ECHCO", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Link", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "URTE2": { "scientific_name": "Urochloa texana", "common_name": "Texas millet", "USDA_symbol": "URTE2", "EPPO": "PANTE", "authority": "(Buckley) Webster", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "BASC5": { "scientific_name": "Bassia scoparia", "common_name": "Kochia", "USDA_symbol": "BASC5", "EPPO": "KCHSC", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Scott", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "HEAN3": { "scientific_name": "Helianthus annuus", "common_name": "Common sunflower", "USDA_symbol": "HEAN3", "EPPO": "HELAN", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "PAHY": { "scientific_name": "Parthenium hysterophorus", "common_name": "Ragweed parthenium", "USDA_symbol": "PAHY", "EPPO": "PTNHY", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "SOHA": { "scientific_name": "Sorghum halepense", "common_name": "Johnsongrass", "USDA_symbol": "SOHA", "EPPO": "SORHA", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Persoon", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "GLMA4": { "scientific_name": "Glycine max", "common_name": "Soybean", "USDA_symbol": "GLMA4", "EPPO": " GLXMA", "authority": "(Linnaeus) Merrill", "collection_location": "NC", "polygon_id": "" }, "AMHY": { "scientific_name": "Amaranthus hybridus", "common_name": "Smooth pigweed", "USDA_symbol": "AMHY", "EPPO": "AMACH", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "CHAL7": { "scientific_name": "Chenopodium album", "common_name": "Common lambsquarters", "USDA_symbol": "CHAL7", "EPPO": "CHEAL", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "PADI": { "scientific_name": "Panicum dichotomiflorum", "common_name": "Fall panicum", "USDA_symbol": "PADI", "EPPO": "PANDI", "authority": "Michaux", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "DAST": { "scientific_name": "Datura stramonium", "common_name": "Jimson weed", "USDA_symbol": "DAST", "EPPO": "DATST", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "ABTH": { "scientific_name": "Abutilon theophrasti", "common_name": "Velvetleaf", "USDA_symbol": "ABTH", "EPPO": "ABUTH", "authority": "Medicus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "SEPU8": { "scientific_name": "Setaria pumila", "common_name": "Yellow foxtail", "USDA_symbol": "SEPU8", "EPPO": "SETPU", "authority": "(C. Linnaeus) Romer and Schultes ", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "SEFA": { "scientific_name": "Setaria faberi", "common_name": "Giant foxtail", "USDA_symbol": "SEFA", "EPPO": "SETFA", "authority": "Herrmann", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "ERCA20": { "scientific_name": "Erigeron canadensis", "common_name": "Horseweed", "USDA_symbol": "ERCA20", "EPPO": "ERICA", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" }, "ZEA": { "scientific_name": "Zea mays", "common_name": "Maize", "USDA_symbol": "ZEA", "EPPO": " ZEAMX", "authority": "Linnaeus", "collection_location": "MD", "polygon_id": "" } }, "Notes": { "1": "USDA symbols are used as species index key.", "2": "When difference between USDA and EPPO codes, scientific_names, or authority occured, USDA information was used.", "3": "Purple nutsedge (CYRO) is used by may also be yellow nutsedge (CYES).", "4": "North Carolina (MD), Texas (TX), Maryland (MD)" }, "Version": "1.1" }