Creating Bench Bot Map Files

Creating Bench Bot Map Files


This document will go over using google sheets and a python script to generate a map excel file for the bench bot


  1. Python 3.9 installed

    1. Instructions can be found here https://datatofish.com/install-python/

  2. A copy of credentials.json from @Mikah Pinegar


  1. Clone https://github.com/precision-sustainable-ag/benchbot_map_generator

    1. cd <path to where you want repo>

    2. git clone https://github.com/precision-sustainable-ag/benchbot_map_generator

  2. Create virtual environment using python 3.9

    1. cd benchbot_map_generator

    2. make sure your python version is 3.9.x using python --version

      1. if your versions is not 3.9.x, install python 3.9

    3. python -m pip install --user virtualenv

    4. python -m venv .venv

  3. Activate virtual environment

    1. ./.venv/Scripts/activate

  4. Install modules

    1. pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Ask @Mikah Pinegar for the credentials.json file and copy it into the top level directory

  6. Run the generate_map.py file and insert the google sheets IDs that are found in the URL in the browser

    1. For example, if the sheets URL for species_by_row is https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ABCDEFG/edit#gid=0 the ID is ABCDEFG

    2. python ./generate_map.py '<species_by_row_google_sheets_id>' '<pictures_per_species_sheets_id>'

    3. The command with inserted IDs should look like this except with your keys

      python .\generate_map.py 'ABCDEFG' 'HIJKLMN'
  7. Login to your google account using the OAuth popup in your browser

  8. Look at the map.xlsx file that was generated and make sure it looks correct