

1. Prior Day Preparations

Ensure all required equipment is fully charged and functional.
Prepare necessary supplies (color checkers, measuring tape, small step ladder, grease gun, etc.).
Verify the availability of power sources (BBot, flash, camera, and other devices).

2. Supplies Checklist

Flash battery charged.
BB camera power cable ready.
4 charged Amiga Lithium-Ion batteries with battery keys.
Ethernet cable for data transfer.
Color checkers (large and passport versions).
UI protective cover.
Measuring tape.

3. Potting Area Maintenance

3.1 Debris Removal

Use a leaf blower to clear debris from the surface of the landscape fabric.
Ensure debris is not blown into the pots.
Manually remove any remaining loose materials.

3.2 Individual Plant Spacing

Identify and thin out any overlapping plants.
Ensure clear separation between plants.
Fully clean and space the first 8–10 rows before starting BBot imaging.
Continue spacing and cleaning remaining rows while the BBot is imaging.

3.3 Weed Potting Area

Check and remove non-target weeds from:
Inside the pots.
Underneath the pots.
The surrounding landscape fabric.
Uproot, shake off soil, and dispose of removed weeds in a designated bucket or bag.
Ensure no removed weeds or debris are left in the imaging area.
Avoid being in the images while removing weeds.

4. Camera and Flash Setup

4.1A Attaching the SVCam and Flash (Bbot V3.1)

4.1B Attaching the Sony Camera and Flash (Bbot V3.0)

5. BBot Setup

5.1 Turning the BBot On

5.2 Configure Bbot

6. Test Image Collection

6. Begin the Batch

7. Packing Up

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