Steps Slice

Steps Slice is the reducer & action that will contain the steps form’s values & the update logic. As of right now, the initial state is as such:

InitialState: { loading: false, value: { siteCondition: { stateAndCounty: "", soilDrainage: "", plannedPlantingDate: "", acres: 0, checkNRCSStandareds: false, }, speciesSelection: { queryString: "", queryResults: [], }, mixRatios: { poundsOfSeed: 0, plantsPerAcre: 0, }, mixSeedingRate: {}, seedTagInfo: {}, reviewMix: {}, confirmPlan: {}, }, etc: {}, };


The update function is:

updateSteps: (state, action) => { state.value = action.payload; }


Per change in data, we will dispatch the updateSteps function, replacing the state.value with the newer state.value. In the case that this results in a performance issue, we can add a submit button to each steps individually.