NodeGateway Repository File Structure
Master Branch
Acclima Firmware Update App [Folder] - contains files for running firmware update app that uploads hex files to gateway and node hardware without using the Arduino IDE
Gateway_Acclima_LPWA_V2022.06.23.ino.hex - latest version of LPWA gateway firmware (as of 08/03/2022)
Node_Acclima_V2022.01.19.ino.hex - latest version of node firmware (as of 08/03/2022)
NodeLogRecovery.exe - Executable for opening and running firmware update UI
Firmware [Folder] - contains firmware source code, hex files, and libraries
Gateway [Folder] - contains files relevant to gateway
bin [Folder] - contains firmware binary (hex) files for upload using Acclima Firmware Update App
src [Folder] - contains firmware source file (ino file) and libraries
Gateway_Acclima_LPWA [Folder] - contains Arduino ino file and embedded libraries (h and cpp files)
libraries [Folder] - contains versions of libraries used by ino file that are not embedded. These should go in a user’s Documents > Arduino > libraries folder. [File] - Short description of gateway and folder contents
Node [Folder] - contains files relevant to node
bin [Folder] - contains firmware binary (hex) files for upload using Acclima Firmware Update App
src [Folder] - contains firmware source file (ino file) and libraries
Node_Acclima_PSA [Folder] - contains Arduino ino file and embedded libraries (h and cpp files)
libraries [Folder] - contains versions of libraries used by ino file that are not embedded. These should go in a user’s Documents > Arduino > libraries folder. [File] - Short description of node and folder contents [File] - Instructions on changing serial buffer lengths in Arduino IDE
Arduino Setup for Firmware Editing.docx [File] - contains instructions for setting up Arduino IDE to edit and upload firmware to gateway and node hardware.
boards.local.txt [File] - contains info to add MoteinoMEGA-USB @ 8MHz (3.3 volts) board to Arduino. See Arduino Setup for Firmware Editing. docx for instructions on where to save this file.
SDI12Terminal.ino.hex [File] - firmware file for node to communicate directly to SDI-12 sensors using SDI-12 commands
3g_version Branch
Acclima Firmware Update App [Folder] - contains files for running firmware update app that uploads. hex files to gateway and node hardware without using the Arduino IDE.
FONA3G_setbaud4800.ino.hex - firmware file for setting 3G module baud rate to 4800
Gateway_Acclima_V2022.02.11.ino.hex - latest version of 3G gateway firmware (as of 08/03/2022)
Node_Acclima_V2022.01.19.ino.hex - latest version of node firmware (as of 08/03/2022)
NodeLogRecovery.exe - Executable for opening and running firmware update UI
Firmware [Folder] - contains firmware source code, hex files, and libraries
Gateway [Folder] - contains files relevant to gateway
bin [Folder] - contains firmware binary (hex) files for upload using Acclima Firmware Update App
src [Folder] - contains firmware source file (ino file) and libraries
Gateway_Acclima_CROWN2020_v1 [Folder] - contains Arduino ino file and embedded libraries (h and cpp files)
libraries [Folder] - contains versions of libraries used by ino file that are not embedded. These should go in a user’s Documents > Arduino > libraries folder.
FONA3G_setbaudAIT.ino.hex [File] - firmware for setting 3G baud rate to 4800. Don’t remember what the difference between this and FONA3G_setbaud4800.ino.hex. The pin declarations may be different between the two. If one doesn’t work, try the other. [File] - Short description of gateway and folder contents
Node [Folder] - contains files relevant to node
bin [Folder] - contains firmware binary (hex) files for upload using Acclima Firmware Update App
src [Folder] - contains firmware source file (ino file) and libraries
Node_Acclima_CROWN2020_v1 [Folder] - contains Arduino ino file and embedded libraries (h and cpp files)
libraries [Folder] - contains versions of libraries used by ino file that are not embedded. These should go in a user’s Documents > Arduino > libraries folder. [File] - Short description of node and folder contents [File] - Instructions on changing serial buffer lengths in Arduino IDE
Acclima Firmware Update [Folder] - zipped folder of Acclima Firmware Update App. Contains latest firmware versions (as of 08/03/2022).
Arduino Setup for Firmware Editing.docx [File] - contains instructions for setting up Arduino IDE to edit and upload firmware to gateway and node hardware.
boards.local.txt [File] - contains info to add MoteinoMEGA-USB @ 8MHz (3.3 volts) board to Arduino. See Arduino Setup for Firmware Editing. docx for instructions on where to save this file.
SDI12Terminal.ino.hex [File] - firmware file for node to communicate directly to SDI-12 sensors using SDI-12 commands