Shared Components

As we identify components which are shared across different tools, we’ll add them to the list for specific design consideration. The aim is to design the components in such a way that they can work functionally and stylistically across the variety of use cases for the tool.

Shared Layouts


Feature/ Component

User Story

Species Selector

Seeding Rate Calc

AB Test Priority

Map/ Site Selection

As a user, I want to pick my state, plot out my land, and enter details about my land so that the tools know my specific situation.

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As a user, I want a display that shows what my past steps are, what my next steps are, and provides key navigation options like restarting, jumping between steps, or moving forward.


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List View / Plant Thumbnails

As a user I want a list of crops I have selected so that I can explore them.

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As a user I want a clear and consistent set of buttons that I know I can interact with, and look selected if I’ve clicked them already.


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As a user I want to know where I can find tooltips and for them to have a consistent look and feel.

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Scrolling / Paging / Collapsable Info Displays

As a user, I want to see a lot of information at once without getting overwhelmed or having to dig for it.


As a user, I want information presented to me step by step so I can stay focused on the choice at hand.


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Planting Window Visualization

As a user I want to know my planting window so that I can use that to inform my decisions.

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Species Selector

Roboto, Helvetica, Arial






Seeding Rate

Roboto, Helvetica, Arial