8. Confirm Plan

8. Confirm Plan

This is the page for the final mix plan confirmation.

There’s a EXPORT option, which would save all the calculation as a csv file, so the user could import the calculation from that file next time.

On the top of the page there shows the Amount of Mix for 50 Acres and Price per Acre value, the Peice per Acre need the user to input the cost per pound for each crop.

Then there are pie charts showing information of seeding rate, plants per sqft and seeds per sqft.

After that there are calculation for cost for each crops, which need the user to manually input cost per pound for each of the crop, and then calculates the Total Cost of mix.

After clicking the Finish button, the whole calculation is finished and there’s the ending page, which let user to restart the calculation or go to the feedback page.

The restart button would let the user go back to Site Condition page, with all the selected information so the user won’t need to select again.

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