VegSpec Design Review 6.18
Attendees: Heather, Rick, John, Karl, Lori, Marguerite, Shannon
Shannon Demoed the different options for the designs, & Rick demos the live site.
Changes to note include:
The home page text is split into multiple blocks so it can be seen without scrolling
On the map you can import a shape file for your field
Identification is now split into its own screen
Lori - Could we rename Identification to “site information” or something else?
The information for the site info is helpful to print out & take to their land order. Maybe this would fall closer to the output?
Rick & Heather Suggest removing that screen since its confirmed at the end
On growth requirements, information now hides once you select something
Shannon asked whether it makes sense to break up the info into a few pages?
Since the info is related we should keep it on one page
Goals: Different options hide when they’re selected.
Lori - Maybe we should still show hidden options on the left
Rick - That might be tricky on mobile
Lori - Agreed!
Shannon - We can explore some options for this
Rick - We had discussed adding descriptions for different practices, if the team can send that I can add those in
Species List:
Rick: The filters are now pre-collapsed
the details are all hidden until you click in
The options are now right justified and styled differently so its easier to read the list
The sorts are now in the sidebar
When we’re on mobile it’ll be hard to fit the sidebar
Shannon - we can consider this as part of the design
Karl - have we done some review on 508 compliance?
Shannon - We haven’t discussed this but we’ve been doing some basic checks. We can keep compliance in mind as part of our design. We can cover some with the look and feel
Karl - How many species fit?
Rick - there’s not a hard limit, but we currently are fitting 368.
Heather - On the selection for land type and conservation practice - we should see what users prefer
Karl - As we get the regional facilitators together, it’ll be fun to get into that and listen into calls. We’d like them to work together (3-4 per region)
Heather - There was confusion with the facilitators about what are the next steps, the logistics.
Shannon - we will follow up with specific actions. It’d be helpful to email and let people know what to expect since they were confused on next steps/ action items.
More communication will be better, especially since everyone’s quite busy.
Lori and Rick will meet soon to get refreshed on what content Lori owes Rick, and break down those needs. They’ll meet Friday.