Sprint Retro Notes
Things That are going well
Learned a lot about accessibility issues
MUI very helpful for accessability
Adam is doing well
Akshat is crushing it got things wrapped up super quickly
Ideas for improvement
Update sprint board ahead of meeting.
More cross training
Issues with the midwest data imports planting dates are missing entirely in some cases.
Things that are going well
Ravi and Akshat on the backend
Ravi PR review
Ideas for improvement
Would like to learn more about adding people to repos
Ravi will work on image import for WCCC
Akshat will generate csvs for Anna
Adam will start using the new API, and remove temp western PRs
Trevor will wrap up finishing imports
Ted few components and updates to user history
Action items
Ravi needs a ticket for image import → mikah and trevor will need to make this
Akshat needs a ticket for making CSVs → Trevor will make it
Adam will reach out to Brennen about API
Adam will make API ticket and removing temp west PRs
Things that are going well
Brennen and Akshat working on backend tickets
Akshat working with Trevor also
Meeting with Anna
Time off / communication
Ted working well with Diksha, is she in India? → yes until the 19th
Ted helping Ravi with Issues
Ideas for improvement
Ticket management, especially
More tickets for Ravi, he’s too fast
Hiring new PM
Product owners for each tool
Chat GPT integration for zoom calls to create tickets
Things that are going well
Shared components in drone project
Vyshnavi working with us
Trevor working with Ravi, Akshat, Brennen
Vysh / Akshat pair coding with Trevor
Akshat and Mikah meeting
Ideas for improvement
Vyshnavi adding everyone on LinkedIn
Retaining all our employees
Ticket management
More PR review to help Ted
Team meeting in person
Things that are going well
Everybody working on the shared components
Design work unifying the tools
Vyshnavi working with us
Trevor has been very helpful with the database updates and has made a lot of DB automation work
Crossover between FE and BE
Ideas for improvement
Need more interns
Selector and seedcalc testing failures provide limited information
Giving people read access to the pipelines so they can see testing output
Things that are going well
Interns crushing shared components
Adam coordinating
Ted PR review
Jinam psyched about the CI/CD for DPP, much easier for collaboration
Meeting with GT about designs went well
Soumya did a great job updating photos
DRIVEs project as a whole
Ideas for improvement
Mikah getting back up to speed on things
Making tickets on time
Adding more detail to tickets
Things that are going well
Cypress testing + Ted
Ted working with Brennen and styled components
Brennen did a great job with Button
Docs meeting
PR review in general
Rafiki architecture meeting
Doing a great job as a team communicating. In person standups and GH project are helpful for this
Ideas for improvement
Adam working with Trevor on a project
Can we get another intern for Adam or Ted, they could run the interviews.
Data model for parsing out data from the selector API
Things that are going well
Ravi and Vyshnavi have done exceptional at taking tickets and asking for clarification when needed
Herbicide lookup tool completed, seemed like an impossible task
Interns working together well
Github actions, automations
Teds input for Brennens PRs
Good PR review for interns
DST db admin repo is great, trevor and vyshnavi both love it
Ideas for improvement
Things that are going well
Switching from geekbot to in person standups has been amazing
Akshat mockup for rafiki
Brennen crushing tickets and mentoring Nisarg and Diksha
Mikah working on trip in Africa
Automated testing with cypress
Ideas for improvement
Code review → would be good to be at Ted’s level
Mono repo discussion Monday
Things that are going well
Work with Diksha is going great
Intern team + Adam
Android app team
Vyshnavi images updates
Adam and Ted working together and PR review
Akshat working on Africa tool
Documentation in general
Breakouts after standups
Github automations
Ideas for improvement
Doc meeting reminder
Change story points 5 half week, 8 3/4 week, 13 week
Double issues in feedback
Issue templates redo
Github issue labels
Things that are going well
Pipeline demo
Crushing tickets
Recent deployment
PR review
Trevor figuring out the multipart body
Trevor + Ravi communication and working together
Organization of the team
Ideas for improvement
Standups are getting big
Breakouts after standups
Make standups 20 minutes
Change story points 5 half week, 8 3/4 week, 13 week
Github projects automation, especially auto add to project
Double issues in feedback
Once a ticket becomes scoped, assign story points
Vyshnavi agrees on having sprints being helpful
Things that are going well
As the teams getting bigger we’re having more communication
Release meetings
User history
Documentation meeting
Cypress testing
Design work from game theory
Ideas for improvement
Not skipping releases, more
Should we set it up as blue green? → probably not
Automation of GitHub project
Board changes
Getting rid of sprints?
Cancel Friday meeting
Things that are going well
Code review for seed calc
Trevor taking on new databases
New android team
DST board restructuring
People in person in the lab
User history is going well
Design work from game theory
Ideas for improvement
Design session for user history
Things that are going well
Trevor jumping back into things after being gone for a week
The teammates being happy to hop on a call for help
DRIVES project
Seed calc stuff coming along well
Vyshnavi being autonomous and great
Brennen crushing it
Ideas for improvement
Sending messages to dst-dev
Using threads
Update geekbot to just asked if you’re blocked
Ncalc user history, new biomass model
Things that are going well
Intern onboarding
Add them to sprint retros and story point meetings during summer
California trip
Hire Soumya
User history API is great
Documentation meeting
Vyshnavi doing well
Ideas for improvement
Making sure we check over future work and reaching out earlier if needed
Things that are going well
Ted work on the BenchBot
Vyshnavi onboarding
Trevor management
In person tour of the PSB
WordPress and interns with Adam
In person standups, sticking to 15 mins
As a team we are improving and growing well
Ideas for improvement
Documentation, peer review
Anything to be improved on Trevor’s documentation. Maybe we can add a few documentation link sin the README
DB schema in whimsical needs updating
Next friday 3pm documentation meeting, every 4 weeks
Make a list of tools and where to go in onboarding space
Onboarding landing page could be a table of contents, if you want code onboarding click here. Add categories and link out to other pages. Adam will make table of contents page
Tuesday intern meeting merge into standup
API monitoring → Prometheus → we can expose endpoints like a crawler to auto detect metric endpoit
Things that are going well
Hiring and interviews
Vyshnavi did great on the coding challenge, and with feedback
Vyshnavi had a great time talking in the interviews and is interested in the tech stack
Wp-engine migration
Adam working with ameya
Fun in interviews when we were all there
Ideas for improvement
1:30 Tuesdays, Thursdays
Things that are going well
Communication, WordPress, Threads
Ideas for improvement
Tuesday / Thursdays 2pm → in person geekbot m / w / f
Curves and graphs from story points
Things that are going well
Ted working on bench bot
Trevor’s demo of seedcalc
Communication between everyone on the team
Ideas for improvement
Geekbot daily
No prs merged within 24 hours of a release
Airtable data for ncalc
Example data gets pulled from Airtable
Maybe should be pulled from airtable
Route for getting drainage classes
Things that are going well
Ted crushed a bunch of issues
Trevor's SDK is awesome
Time off planning
Ideas for improvement
Geekbot → set to 1pm instead of 12pm
Patch notes for seeding rate calculator
Story points assessment at the end of the year
Things that are going well
Ideas for improvement
Not letting threads get super old
Fix geekbot release meeting wednesday
Having a whole team meeting/get together
Things that are going well
dst-dev channel
styling changes
Release and patch notes
Ideas for improvement
More shared components
Ant design maybe → no grid support for accessibility (ted note)
Things that are going well
Ted working on the selector
Release meeting → went well
Front end styling updates
Patch notes
Story pints
Ideas for improvement
Add automation for
Add GSAP slideshow for modernizing front end animations
Iframe out of confluence page or use api to embed in tool
Things that are going well
All of Kevin’s hard work
SCCC data pull
Using dst-dev as the main source of communication instead of 1 on 1
Ideas for improvement
Defining clear release schedule
Having a running list of patch notes
https://precision-sustainable-ag.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DEV/pages/276987912 document to discuss
Things that are going well
User history is going great
Everybody is doing geekbot
Bit meeting and user history meetings went well
Ideas for improvement
Story points
Fibonacci sequence of number of days
A metric of necessity
Tracking in github
User impact and story points
Velocity 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 → higher = longer
SP → customer impact
Monday 2pm meeting for points and priorities
All communication in slack channels instead of one on one, small group. This way the whole team can contribute to the conversation and the choices are documented
Write requirement documents for projects
Define timelines documents
Get better about code review, Mikah is a bottleneck
Milad and trevor for PRs