Timeline 04-01-24

Timeline 04-01-24


This document will go over planning for development and user testing for the DSTs


  1. Resolve lingering MCCC updates to core logic (soil drainages, pictures of mixes) → meeting with Anna Wednesday, should be resolved next week

  2. Get MCCC images → only 5 images missing (Lupins → anna will send an email, Millet → use any millet) excluding mixes

  3. Get SCCC images → only 5 images missing (Velvetbean → don’t have for MCCC, Arrowleaf clover → don’t have for MCCC, Italian ryegrass→ don’t have for MCCC) excluding mixes

  4. PDF generation → relies on having images, what to do if we don’t get pictures of mixes?

  5. Update about/help pages → in review

  6. Update API and front end to use new images and descriptions → relies on having images. Should take less than a week

  7. Finish user history → April 19th

  8. Interoperability with seeding rate calculator user history → May 3rd, maybe longer

  9. V1 national tool NECCC/SCCC/MCCC including user history, basic interoperability with seedcalc → May

  10. NRCS training for selector + seeding rate calculator → (NECCC/SCCC/MCCC Seedcalc + Selector ready + training/webinar + user testing) →

    1. Complete user history

    2. Complete interoperability

    3. Complete user testing

  11. Western DV → ready in May

  12. Ingesting western data → Late august 2024


  1. SCCC initial testing → next week hopefully

  2. Add user history → 04-05

  3. Add interoperability with selector →

  4. User testing → Ready for testing, ask councils for testers, NRCS testing simultaneously

    1. Seeding rate calculator testing groups will need to be more specific

  5. NRCS training for selector + seeding rate calculator → (NECCC/SCCC/MCCC Seedcalc + Selector ready + training/webinar + user testing) →

    1. Complete user history

    2. Complete interoperability

    3. Complete user testing and iterations


  1. Complete satellite nitrogen release POC →

  2. Finalize lookup table → TBD

  3. Complete version 1 geospatial →

  4. User history →

  5. User testing →

  6. Video →


  1. User history →

  2. User testing →

  3. Mobile styling → after user testing

  4. Video →




  1. Approaching v1 completion

  2. New features

    1. Guam, somoa

    2. Elevation for hawaii

    3. Soil depth

    4. Hardiness zones for temperatures

    5. Show map on the output

    6. Should be wrapped up mostly tomorrow

    7. Weather for hawaii → NLDAS covers hawaii, just need to import

  3. User history →

  4. User testing →

  5. Video →

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