Timeline 04-01-24
This document will go over planning for development and user testing for the DSTs
Resolve lingering MCCC updates to core logic (soil drainages, pictures of mixes) → meeting with Anna Wednesday, should be resolved next week
Get MCCC images → only 5 images missing (Lupins → anna will send an email, Millet → use any millet) excluding mixes
Get SCCC images → only 5 images missing (Velvetbean → don’t have for MCCC, Arrowleaf clover → don’t have for MCCC, Italian ryegrass→ don’t have for MCCC) excluding mixes
PDF generation → relies on having images, what to do if we don’t get pictures of mixes?
Update about/help pages → in review
Update API and front end to use new images and descriptions → relies on having images. Should take less than a week
Finish user history → April 19th
Interoperability with seeding rate calculator user history → May 3rd, maybe longer
V1 national tool NECCC/SCCC/MCCC including user history, basic interoperability with seedcalc → May
NRCS training for selector + seeding rate calculator → (NECCC/SCCC/MCCC Seedcalc + Selector ready + training/webinar + user testing) →
Complete user history
Complete interoperability
Complete user testing
Western DV → ready in May
Ingesting western data → Late august 2024
SCCC initial testing → next week hopefully
Add user history → 04-05
Add interoperability with selector →
User testing → Ready for testing, ask councils for testers, NRCS testing simultaneously
Seeding rate calculator testing groups will need to be more specific
NRCS training for selector + seeding rate calculator → (NECCC/SCCC/MCCC Seedcalc + Selector ready + training/webinar + user testing) →
Complete user history
Complete interoperability
Complete user testing and iterations
Complete satellite nitrogen release POC →
Finalize lookup table → TBD
Complete version 1 geospatial →
User history →
User testing →
Video →
User history →
User testing →
Mobile styling → after user testing
Video →
Approaching v1 completion
New features
Guam, somoa
Elevation for hawaii
Soil depth
Hardiness zones for temperatures
Show map on the output
Should be wrapped up mostly tomorrow
Weather for hawaii → NLDAS covers hawaii, just need to import
User history →
User testing →
Video →